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Vitamin Shop





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Your diet should be high in protein, calcium and Vitamin D3. These nutrients are used for tissue and bone healing after surgery. In order to build bone, protein is laid down first and then calcium is then incorporated into the protein to form bone. Vitamin D is an important in the regulation of bone formation. In order to ensure your body obtains adequate protein, calcium and Vitamin D post-operatively we focus on proper dietary intake and recommend specific supplementation for the first three months after surgery.



Calcium is important for healthy bones and the development of a solid fusion after surgery. Your body takes about 2-3 months to completely heal a solid fusion after surgery. During this time of healing it is important to supply your body with adequate calcium to promote proper healing. It is important to provide your body with the appropriate type of Calcium. Some calciums on the market are not absorbed very well by the digestive tract. The type of calciums that are well absorbed by the digestive tract are calcium citrate and calcium aspartate. These calciums are absorbed easily through the digestive tract and quickly converted to usable calcium in the blood stream. We recommend calcium by Metagenics, which can be purchased at our office or from the following website: Metagenics or here from Vitamin Shop. This Metagenics calcium is easily absorbed and It provides additional minerals which assist with bone healing include phosphorus and magnesium, as well as trace minerals including zinc and manganese. After your surgery we recommend 1500 mg of calcium daily taken in 2 divided doses for a total of 3 months. One dose is to be taken in the morning and the second dose to be taken in the evening. Once the 3 months are over we recommend that women over 40 continue daily doses of calcium but decrease their daily dose To 1200 mg.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an antioxidant that is important in the regulation of blood calcium level and bone metabolism. Vitamin D is necessary for adequate bone formation and decreases the development of osteoporosis. It has been found to decrease the occurrence of 25 different cancers. In our practice we have found that 85% of our patients who are tested are significantly deficient in Vitamin D levels. Low Vitamin D levels after surgery can slow or prevent proper development of bone. Post-operatively maintenance of normal Vitamin D levels is necessary for optimal bone formation and healing. Because of importance of Vitamin D in regards to proper healing we test all patients vitamin D levels before surgery and recommend supplementation with 5,000 international units Of Vitamin D daily. If you are found to be severely Vitamin D deficient, after testing, and we will increase your supplementation of Vitamin D accordingly for 3 months, then recheck your levels, and adjust Vitamin D dosing as needed.

Additional information on Dietary Planning and the importance of protein can be found by clicking here.


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Institute of Spinal Disorders
729 W BEDFORD EULESS RD, Suite 206
Hurst, TX 76053
Phone: 817-383-0354
Fax: 817-445-1039

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