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Scoliosis refers to an abnormal side-to-side curvature of the spine. Scoliosis surgery is used to treat severe scoliosis There is congenital, neuromuscular, and degenerative scoliosis.  Congenital Scoliosis begins before birth and may not be diagnosis until the child is in their teens.  Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by disorders like spinal bifida, cerebral palsy, or a spina cord injury.  Degenerative scoliosis affects adults as the spine begins to wear out as you age. Signs are a visible curve in your back, shoulders, waist, or hips may look uneven, one shoulder blade that looks bigger than the other, ribs stick out further on one side.  When scoliosis worsens, you may have symptoms of   severe pain, discomfort, deformity, limited mobility or stiffness, pain in your legs, fatigue and may even impair the heart and lung function. Diagnosis with x-ray or MRI scan, further testing may be needed based off exam.

Treatments can consist of exercise, medication, physical therapy, bracing, medical procedure such as Epidural Steroid injection (ESI), facet joint injections or require spinal surgery.

Dr. Myles and the Institute of Spinal Disorders have extensive training and expertise in treating scoliosis and is dedicated to correcting all types of spinal deformities.

Scoliosis Surgery at the Institute of Spinal Disorders

Here at the Institute of Spinal Disorders, our two main goals of scoliosis surgery include:

  • Stop the side-to-side curvature from getting worse and to stabilize the spine
  • Correct the deformity along with minimizing pain and discomfort


Institute of Spinal Disorders
729 W BEDFORD EULESS RD, Suite 206
Hurst, TX 76053
Phone: 817-383-0354
Fax: 817-445-1039

Office Hours

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