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Annular tear


Annular tear is the tear in the ligament that connects your vertebra to your disc. This ligament surrounds the nucleus of disc with strong ring of cartilage fibers called the annulus fibrosus. With tear in the annulus is can leak chemical from the disc to cause irritation to the surrounding nerves. The leading cause of annular tears is age and the weakening of the annular fibers. Excessive body weight, age, twisting motion, lifting heavy weight, moving too suddenly or car accidents can lead to annular tears. Diagnosis is made with an MRI of the spine.

Treatment for compression fracture can consist of physical therapy, medication, epidural steroid injection, or spinal surgery such as a laminectomy discectomy or spinal fusion.


Institute of Spinal Disorders
729 W BEDFORD EULESS RD, Suite 206
Hurst, TX 76053
Phone: 817-383-0354
Fax: 817-445-1039

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